Posts tagged 2021
Video: The Stress of Managing Others

Yes, it’s stressful to manage a team. There are projects and personalities, emotions and deadlines, drama and complaints. How do managers learn how to tame stress so they can show and lead more effectively. This training call gives insight into the stressors of management and what to do to relieve it.

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Video: Building Trust on Teams

On the topic of trust, managers would be well served to understand how it impacts their ability to lead a team. On this training call, we cover the components of building trust on teams and the conditions that impact who and how we deem people trustworthy. Plus, you’ll learn tips to grow deeper in trust with the people you work with.

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The Karma of Kindness

Believing in Karma is like learning the Golden Rule. It's just what we learn as kids, it's considered truth and we're not to question it, we're just to abide by it. Period, end of story.

Yes, this is all well and good. I leave a good portion of my life up to Karma. (I know for a 100% fact that a couple of very bad things have happened to me as a result of bad Karma juju I emitted to the world). Mostly, though, I believe in the Karma of kindness.


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