Video: Delegating is Tough...and Essential

What is it about delegating that causes us trouble?

I’m teaching a lesson to supplement my Manager Boot Camp Course and help managers with one of the toughest aspects of their job - Delegating. Yes, delegating is challenging and it gets harder and harder to do the higher up the ranks you go. On this Manager Power Call, we dug into the delegating dilemma and discover ways to hand off work with more confidence and ease.

This manager training or leadership coaching call is designed to share simple, actionable tools to help you in an area that typically causes managers a bit of challenge.

Watch the lesson and access the worksheet below.

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About The Author

For the past two decades, Cecilia Gorman has helped advertising agencies and other creatively-minded companies fix costly communication and productivity issues by teaching managers how to become better connectors, motivators, and leaders. Cecilia is the author of Always Believe In Better, creator of the digital learning course for managers—Manager Boot Camp, and co-founder of the global training and support community for working women—Empowership.

Interested in growing your skills as a manager? Check out how Manager Boot Camp might help.

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