Posts in Growing your Career
No-Nonsense Ways to Turn Passion into a Plan

“Follow your passion” is a cliché that gets thrown around A LOT. I absolutely believe that people should do what they love (I mean we’re talking I quit my full time job to become a solopreneur!), but let’s be honest. That phrase doesn’t tell you how to do anything.

When you do decide to take the plunge, here are four no-nonsense ways that can turn your passion into an effective plan.

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The Very Second an Employee Resigns

Over 20 years and a fair share of resignations given to me, I've learned the immediate reaction I have to that unfortunate (sometimes not entirely unfortunate) news becomes part of my legacy I've left with that employee. Am I giving this person the memory of working for a jerk boss who made them feel horrible in moving on or the memory of a boss that was supportive right up to the last minute?

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Saying What Needs to Be Said

How many times have you been sitting in a meeting and thinking to yourself, "This Sucks!"? A million times, a million and ten perhaps. You're sitting and thinking you'd rather poke your eyes out with hot sticks of fire than listen to one more status meeting. But you don't say any of this out loud. Why not?  Speak up! Be the catalyst to better-ness!

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