Your Decisions = Your Success

“Our life is the sum total of all the decisions
we make every day.”

—Myles Munroe

Isn’t that such a great quote? I mean just think about that….Our life (that is, the current state of our life) is the sum total of all the decisions we have made up until today.

And the success in any one area of your life (finances, health, relationships) really comes down to the amount of successful decisions you are making in that same area.

The formula is simple:
Thing you want = Sum [single decisions x every day]

+ If you want to be fit - decide on the side salad vs the fries
+ If you want to be free from debt - decide you don't need those shoes
+ If you want a happier relationship - decide to give a hug vs a sarcastic reply

What tends to happen is that we don’t have a bigger picture mentality to be successful. We don’t have the mentality (or frankly, the stamina) to equate one single choice on a Monday (to eat a donut) to the result we say we want - that is, our plans to be more fit.
Yet it’s the cumulative set of choices we’re making —that donut, then the glass of wine, then the piece of chocolate, then the ice cream—that gives us our outcome (in this case, a squishy tummy).

Isn't this the truth? For whatever reason, we find it hard to sustain the individual efforts it takes to get to our desired outcome. If you are saving for a down payment for a house, then why are you buying that latte? If you want to lose 5 pounds, then why are you ordering those nachos?

We undermine ourselves all day long.

Remember the book I shared called The One Thing? This entire book is based on getting us to connect long term-goals to our short-term actions. And actions is just a fancy word for choices.
Start linking every choice to what you want. And man, that’s tough, especially when a glass of chardonnay is offered.

But if you don't like the current state of any part of your life, the only way it changes is to start choosing differently.


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